Have you ever struggled to keep your natural hair moisturized, despite using countless products? Have you ever wondered why some products work wonders for your hair, while others seem to have no effect? Understanding your hair's porosity may be the key to solving these issues.
What is Hair Porosity? Hair porosity refers to how well your natural hair is able to absorb and maintain moisture. In basic terms, it refers to whether your hair cuticles are open or closed. Knowing your hair porosity can help you choose the right products for your hair and create a hair care routine that suits your needs.
Types of Hair Porosity There are three types of hair porosity: low, high, and normal. Each type requires a different approach to hair care.
Low Porosity Hair If you have low porosity hair, your cuticles are tightly closed, making it hard for moisture to get in. However, once moisture is in, it stays. Water beads sit on top of your hair, and you are prone to product buildup. To care for low porosity hair, use lightweight products such as humectants, hair milk, and light oils. Heavy products will not penetrate your hair.
High Porosity Hair If you have high porosity hair, your cuticles have holes and gaps, which makes it easy for moisture to get in but also easy for it to escape. Your hair may be tangled easily, and your cuticles are raised and hard to close. To care for high porosity hair, use thicker products such as butters, castor oil, and heavy creams and gels. Protein treatments are also beneficial for filling in the gaps in your cuticles.
Normal Porosity Hair If you have normal porosity hair, your hair allows the right amount of moisture in and out. Your hair is not too difficult to maintain, and you can use a variety of products. However, it's still important to use moisturizing products and natural products, and avoid sulfates.
Porosity Maintenance Once you know your hair porosity, it's important to maintain it to keep your hair healthy and well-nourished.
High Porosity Hair Maintenance For high porosity hair, use a cold rinse after every deep conditioning treatment. Don't skip protein treatments, and use the L.O.C method (liquid, oil, cream) to double lock in moisture. Layering products can also help weigh your hair down. Apply products to wet hair, and avoid steaming as your cuticles are already open.
Low Porosity Hair Maintenance For low porosity hair, use a steamer to open your cuticles and allow moisture to get in. Clean your hair well, and make sure to have an equal balance of protein and moisture.
Normal Porosity Hair Maintenance For normal porosity hair, use moisturizing products and natural products, and avoid sulfates. Your hair requires the least amount of maintenance.
In conclusion, understanding your hair's porosity is a crucial step in caring for your natural hair. By using the right products and following a tailored hair care routine, you can keep your hair moisturized, healthy, and looking its best. Remember, no matter how you choose to wear your hair, you are beautiful.